Spring turns to Summer
The Gym is taking shape
The month of May has been an exciting time as Spring turns to Summer. We have started our biggest project since arriving on the farm. We made the decision not to just give the old gym a ‘facelift’, but to completely rip out kitchens and bathrooms in one of the larger old lodges and convert this much larger space into our New ‘Gym’. It will also be a space we can use for some of our well-being and painting weekends we hope to launch soon. We hit a few hurdles on the way. In order to make the gym fully operational and safe, the electrics needed some serious updating. This involved us having to hire a digger to dig a 20-metre long trench to lay new cable. After this slight setback, the gym is now starting to take shape. We now have a new grey floor, new skirting boards, a fresh lick of paint and a super reinforced rubber floor area. Our guests can use the cardio equipment, ‘hit the weights’ or alternatively try out our new TRX band which extends down from the ceiling. The full gym will be ready at the end of this week, so look out for updates on our social media pages.
Highs and Lows on the farm
On the farm we have had some highs and lows. Sadly, our two goslings that hatched didn’t make it this time. We are hopeful that we may have some more ‘poults’ on the way. Our three ponies, Skippy, Shaggy and Scooby-Doo enjoyed a bit of TLC when we had a visit from the local farrier. After their hooves had been trimmed, they seemed to have a new lease of life, chasing and galloping around the fields after each other.

Fishes are starting to bite
The increasing temperature has meant the lakes have been warming up nicely. Our guests have enjoyed watching the water come alive with swimming tadpoles, which are now just beginning to grow their legs. The carp are now fully awake and can be seen much more readily on the surface. Many more guests are now enjoying the fishing, with successful catches from both the adults and the children.

River Fun
As Spring turns to Summer the warmer water temperatures have encouraged some of our braver guests to join us for a swim and a play in our river. This has been lots of fun for all those involved.

One of the best things about Coombe Mill is the freedom and exploration the children can have. Whilst exploring further up the lane, we found a beautiful hidden away waterfall…..

BBQ and Surfing Weather
Transitioning from Spring through to the Summer months, it has been lovely to see our guests starting to enjoy using our outdoor barbecue areas. As well as the children making full use of the outdoor play areas too. Many more wet suits are now being hung up on the line after a good day’s surfing in the warmer sea too! The flowers are starting to bloom, the bees are buzzing and we are very much looking forward to being allowed to open our new gym very soon.

The summer is going to be a long one. We still have some availability in late September if you are planning a staycation. Have a look at our website for full details.
Have a great June
Anya and Emma x